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What happened to Suez Canal ship? H ow a desert wind blew $10 billion of global trade off cour se
困在苏伊士运河的巨轮发生 了什么?一股沙漠之风将价值100亿美元的全球贸易吹离航线
The forecast for Tuesday, March 23, showed wind gusts of more than 40 miles per hour and sand storms swee through northern Egypt. Indeed, such weather is common in the Sinai desert at this time of year.
天气 预 报显示,3月 23日(星期二)的阵风风速超过每小时40英里,沙尘暴席卷埃及北部。每年的这个时候,这样的天气在西奈沙漠是很常见的 。
The Suez Ca nalone of the most critical, yet precarious waterways on the planetrema ined open. Ships were starting to form the daily convoy as the gusts picked up. One of the w orld&rsq uo;s biggest container vessels, the Ever Given, joined it. The decision wou ld reverberate gl o bally wit hin hours.
苏伊士运河地球上最关键、但也最危险的航道之一仍然开放着。随着狂风大作,轮船开始列队航 行。世界上最大 的集装箱船之一,有史以来最大的一艘,加入了其行列。这一决定将在数小时内引起 全球反响。
By 7:40am local time, the megashiploaded with containers that would stretch more than 120 kilo meters (75 mil es) end to end and carrying everything f rom frozen fish to furniturewas stuck. Its grounding would not only lay bare the intricacies of navigating a man-made trench of water in a vessel the size of th e Eiffel Tower, b ut also the fragility of a global network of markets and economies that takes for g ranted the flow of goods thro ugh it.
当地时间早上7点40分,这艘满载集装箱的巨轮被困住了。这艘巨轮原本将首尾相 连地行驶120公 里(7 5英里),装载 着从冷冻鱼到家具等各种物品。它的搁浅不仅暴露 了巨轮在运河中航行的复杂性,也暴露了全球市场和经济网络的脆弱 之处。
印度时报读者的评 论:译者:Jessica. Wu
Milan Edgar
Only Modi Ji free this ship.. Just like Shree Modi Ji helped Bangladesh gain independence..
只有莫迪能解救这艘巨轮,之前莫迪就帮助孟加拉国获得 了独立。
Be Indian
send modiji to fix this issue.... he is Jack of all trades but master of none
派莫迪去解决这个问题....他样样通,样样 松
Ajay Indian
the crew were all indians.... smaller ships ahead used tugboats, why not this large ship used tugboats... " pr ecaution is better than cure" most indians have no t learnt...
“预防胜于治疗”,大多数印度人 还没学到家啊&hellip ;
Rony Thomas
If this doesn't resolve, lot of businesses will take a hit. The whole regional trade will be disrupted. God help us.
如果 这个问题不能解决,许多企业将遭受打击。整个地区贸易将受到破坏。愿神帮助我们。
Shrinivasa Kth
This type of ac cident might not have bee n thought of t o occur and that is why there is no solution is seen.
Klesh Kumar Sin ha
T he new Air India One can be helpful but it's in Bangla desh now.
新的“印度空军一号”或许能帮上忙,不过它现在在孟加 拉国。
Now b lame it on Nehru.
Raj S
Suez Canal needs revamp to deal with present scenario s. Nowadays s hips are bigger and wider. They need a bigger canal
S al eh Abdul Pasha
Hindus only be compning on everything and don't nothing. they is silly
Ramesh Sargam
It is reported that most of the crew in the ship are Indians. But it is not their fault for this situation. B ecause of the heavy desert wind the ship turned and hit the side walls. Need to remove the ship and see that the trade resumes through this Suez Canal soon.
据报道,船上大 多数船员是印度人。这不是他们的错。由于沙漠的强风,货轮掉转了方向,撞到了。我们得把船移走,尽快恢复航运通行。
Hiten Indie
I was in the region that day of in dent. Winds wer e so strong that we had to park th e vehicles as we could see nothi ng but dust and felt if wind will to le the cars. So definately wind would have played a major role in the in dent. Some folks are blaming indian crew, that's ridiculous.
事发那天我就在那个地区。风太大了,我们不得不把车停在 路边,尘土遮天蔽日,我们 什么也看不见,并且感觉风可能会把 车吹倒。大风是这次事故的主要原因。有些人指责印度船员,这太荒谬了。
Vitthal Kulkarni
It seems very well planned tra de blockage
Indian Human
Nature will teach lessons to greedy humans everyday. Now it depends on humans how soon they will learn their lessons.
大自然每天都会给贪婪的人类上一课。现在要看人类什么时 候能吸取教训 了。
Sanjay Sehg al
It is the wor k of te rort. There was no desert storm ,but the cover of desert stor m t hey drag the ship ashore. I will say that it is planned te rort attack,and very soon there will be attack on those ships t hat have accumulated there.
这是恐 怖分子干的,在沙漠风暴的掩护下 他们把船拖上岸。我要说的是,这是有计划的恐 怖袭击,困在那里的船只很快就会受到袭击。
Godfa ther Senior
Unfortunate accident that b lock the supply chain for days. If they fail to remove it by Wednesday, it w ould really impa ct a lot for many outlets, that fully dep end on weekly supplies through containers. Hope they manage to salvage the situation earlier to it.
Trouble Shoer
Life will be the same in next few days. No b ig deal.
接下来的几天 ,生活将一如既往。没什么大不了的。
Pranav Pathrik ar
Finally the world wil l reali se the value o f sh ip and seafarers. 90% of world trad e happens by the sea.
Sanjoy Pandey
Global warming and environme ntal imbnce is showing i t's effect.
全球变暖和环 境不平衡正在显山露水。
Vicky Sharma
If the crew joins BJP and promises to ve BJP, then Modi and Shah will apply their usual formula of greasing palms and freeing it. Modi Modi Modi Modi....
如果船员们加入了印度人民党,并承诺投票给印度人民党,那么莫迪和沙阿就会用他们惯用 的方法-行贿,来解决这个问题。莫迪,莫迪,莫迪....
- 2021-05-02苏伊士运河管理局:不止天气原因,还 苏伊士运河最近的天气情况
- 2021-05-02(苏伊士运河“卡喉”6天后恢复通航 苏伊士运河最近的天气情况
更多相关苏伊士运河被巨轮堵住!印网民:船员大多数是印度人 苏伊士运河天气什么时候转热,请关注云南旅游线路网:http://www.ynlyxl.com
上一篇: 我15号要去南京,我看了天气预报,好像那两天有雨,8~11度左右,一般能穿什么衣服啊