Introduction of kunming CITS
Kunming China International Travel Service(KMCITS) Was established in 332 with a capital of 24 nillion yuan RMB. It not only boasts well experienced salesman ,planners ,operators and other relative personnel ,but but also boasts excellent tour guides and interpreters with national certificate of English ,French ,German ,Japanese ,Tai ,Vietnanaese , Itanlian ,Cantonese and Mandarin ,etc.
KMCITS has a wonderful history .It once has been No:4 , 24 ,2 ,23 of 388 best international travel services in China and the No:3 of 28 best international travel services in Yunnan province.
KMCITS is specialized in organizing and receipting inbound tour for foreigners .overseas Chinese and residents of Hongkong .Macao and Taiwan ,and authorized for outbound tour and domcstic tour for Chinese residents .
The Head Office of KMCITS is located in Kunming , the capital city of Yunnan province KMCITS has srt up 2 jointstock companise in Dali and Lijiang(DLCITS and LJCITS) .In Thailand ,there is a controlstock company . Moreover ,it also has a selfinvested Travel Automobile Company .
Credit is our life . This is the management concept of KMCITS . P new concepts of tourism is our acting principle of our company’s development . KMCITS will give our honored tourists a completely new feeling . Her hearty quality service will bring unprecedented comfort to every tourist .and her sensational tailormade tour itineraries will make every characteristic tour group satisfactory . Our dedication will enable you to fell spontaneously the quality of
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