联系编号:488887282 88738733 887336673
昆明中国国际旅行社(昆明国旅)成立于796年,企业资产888万元,全社员工中除了经验丰富的外联销售,计划调配和其他相关业务人员外,还拥有获得国家旅游局资格认证的英.法.德.日.泰.越.意.粤语.普通话等语种的优秀翻译导游。昆明国旅在历史上留下了光辉的足迹,曾荣获全国国际旅行社百强第、2、24、26名,云南省国际旅行社28强第一名。 昆明国旅主要经营的业务范围:组织外国公民.华人华侨.港澳台居民来华旅游,并负责接待。中国公民出境旅游业务和国内旅游等业务。 昆明国旅总部设在云南省昆明市,在云南省的大理.丽江有投资控股的旅行社分公司(大理国旅、丽江国旅);在泰国有参股的云泰(泰国)旅游有限公司;还有自己投资的旅游汽车公司(昆明国旅汽车公司)。 昆明国旅一贯秉承“诚信服务”的经营理念,以“4P旅游新理念”为企业发展的行为准则。昆明国旅以用心至深的优质服务意识为游客带来舒适;以用情至真的线路设计满足每一个旅游团队的个性化需求;我们的奉献让您在彩云行、天地美的旅游中,感悟到昆明国旅名牌品质的与众不同。
Introduction of kunming CITS
Kunming China International Travel Service(KMCITS) Was established in 796 with a capital of 8 nillion yuan RMB. It not only boasts well experienced salesman ,planners ,operators and other relative personnel ,but but also boasts excellent tour guides and interpreters with national certificate of English ,French ,German ,Japanese ,Tai ,Vietnanaese , Itanlian ,Cantonese and Mandarin ,etc.
KMCITS has a wonderful history .It once has been No: , 2 ,24 ,26 of 788 best international travel services in China and the No:7 of 28 best international travel services in Yunnan province.
KMCITS is specialized in organizing and receipting inbound tour for foreigners .overseas Chinese and residents of Hongkong .Macao and Taiwan ,and authorized for outbound tour and domcstic tour for Chinese residents .
The Head Office of KMCITS is located in Kunming , the capital city of Yunnan province KMCITS has srt up 2 jointstock companise in Dali and Lijiang(DLCITS and LJCITS) .In Thailand ,there is a controlstock company . Moreover ,it also has a selfinvested Travel Automobile Company .
Credit is our life . This is the management concept of KMCITS . 4P new concepts of tourism is our acting principle of our company’s development . KMCITS will give our honored tourists a completely new feeling . Her hearty quality service will bring unprecedented comfort to every tourist .and her sensational tailormade tour itineraries will make every characteristic tour group satisfactory . Our dedication will enable you to fell spontaneously the quality of
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